عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإيطالية و الإنجليزية الأمريكية. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإيطالية و الإنجليزية الأمريكية. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.

Il piu’ grande e innovativo campus d’Italia di alloggi per  studenti

Parma (I)Team Impact AtiItalia2020Conferenza dei serviziSuperficie territoriale 208.000 mq

Il posto giusto per un grande Bio Studentato

1.710 Bio allogi per studenti – 3.800 posti letto – Progetto in Bio architettura e Bio Edilizia Ecostenibile certificato leed , innovativi sistemi energetici, costi di costruzione contenuti, autosufficienza energetica, realizzabile in tre stralci

Alloggiare a due passi dalla facoltà